Monibi (Borderclash)
2-hour DJ Mix selected and mixed by Borderclash (2nd & 4th Wed. of the month) hostess Monibi.

Monibi regularly hosts Borderclash (2nd & 4th Wed. of the month - 8 to 10pm), a show specialising in electronic music and fusion genres of music.
Catch up on past shows here.
shigeto – detroit
part ii (the new monday) forthcoming ghostly international
ozel ab –
positronic dreams (workshop 24) workshop
datassette –
musique gélatineuse (mannequin on the run ep) rebel intelligence
nachtbraker –
hamdi (bil mix) (misses madame mademoiselle ep) forthcoming heist
red axes – my
sweet sun (fango goes to bollywood) permanent vacation
afefe iku
– mirror dance (yoruba soul mix) yoruba records
randomer – rye
(smokin) l.i.e.s.
broken english club
– breaking the flesh (the english beach) l.i.e.s.
umwelt - mankind
origin 8mechatronica 2) mechatronica music
broken english club
– pylon (the english beach) l.i.e.s.
architectural - ?
pov – adat
(crowdspacer presents ”pov”) crowdspacer
sctst - ?
loleatta holloway –
stand up (pangaea's mix) (two mixes) hadal
erofeev - bed of
honour (abdumanob) forthcoming resonance moscow
the servant -
andromeda complex (klankman remix) (from heavy metal bashing to
leisure pursuits) contort yourself
hard floor, erp -
4th dimension of the 5th ward (single)
snctst - frau tempel
(4friendz) boysnoize
perm – b2 (jets)
ossia – tumult
(lurka remix) (gridlock) berceuse heroique
denis mpunga –
intermezzo ii (interstellar funk remix) (criola remixed) music from
king krule – czech
Redaktionelle Leitung und Moderation: Sarah Roellinger